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  1. In the News

    How the Winners of the Coronavirus Crisis Could Start a New World Order

    | by Avner Cohen and Mikael Kelly MANPTS '20

    How the Winners of the Coronavirus Crisis Could Start a New World Order - Middlebury Institute Professor Avner Cohen and alumnus Mikael Kelly MANPTS ‘20 co-wrote an in-depth exploration of a changing world order published today in Haaretz. This piece was born out of a “fantastic” final paper Kelly wrote for one of his classes says Cohen, who also wants to celebrate Kelly’s achievement as a Presidential Management Fellow who will be starting his new position at the CDC on Monday!

  2. People

    Drones and CBRN Terrorism Threats and Responses

    Associate Professor of Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies Philipp Bleek presented on “Drones and CBRN Terrorism Threats and Responses” as the closing speaker for the June 3-4 “Countering Drones 2020” conference, organized by Defense iQ.

  3. News Stories

    From a Novel Idea to a World-Class Center

    Learn more about the ambitious yet humble beginnings of the Middlebury Institute’s James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), its serendipitous journey made possible thru historic events, chance encounters, and the relentless dedication of its founder, Dr. Bill Potter.